✓ Fire & Health and Safety
Fire and Health & Safety are key parts of your business and assisting all business to understand their obligation is paramount pursuant to legal compliance under the law.
It is vital and fundamental for any business to review all documents linked to or associated with the application and principles of Fire Safety by way of achieving compliance. Contact us and we’ll call you back.
Some Building Requirements
Should you be involve in the construction of a new building, ‘Approved Document B’ may need to be consulted under the Building Regulations. There are two parts, depending on whether the building is for a dwelling or something else.
Approved Document B – Fire Safety Volume 1 Dwelling houses Approved
Powers of Inspectors
The powers of Fire Inspectors are set out in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
An inspector can enter any premises to inspect if he believes it is necessary to do so, but cannot use force unless a warrant has been obtained.
To identify whether the provisions of the Order apply to the premises and whether the legal requirements have been complied with, the inspector can make such enquiries as are considered necessary, including the requirement to produce information that is required to be kept by law (such as a risk assessment). Copies of such documents can be taken by them.
An inspector can and at times do also legally ask the person having responsibility (“the Responsible Person”) or control over the property/premise’s for facilities and assistance in order for the inspector to discharge their legal undertaking (and if so requested) such support should be given.
Inspectors also have the powers to take such samples of any articles or substances to test by way of their resistance or flammability and if an article or substance is identified that may be have caused or is likely to cause danger, he/she can require it to be dismantled or tested. Contact us to explore your business needs and we’ll call you back.

Some key areas we can help
- Fire Investigations - we can assist if you are currently facing a fire safety investigation, whether because of an incident or as the result of an inspection.
- Enforcement Notices - whether it is an alternations notice, a prohibition notice or an enforcement notice, we can advise on compliance or represent you in an appeal.
- Formal Interviews - should you be invited to a recorded interview under caution, we can advise, draft documents and or be present to help in taking you through the process.
- Prosecutions - the Fire Service/Local Authority have the legal power to institute a prosecution should they be so minded subject to the evidence. The case can be filed either at the Magistrates’ or Crown Court. The matter of where the case is heard is totally dependent of the facts, as each case can turn on their own individual issues. With years of the intimate workings of the court we are uniquely on-hand to advice, support and or assist in the defence against the charges filed. Contact us and we'll call you back.
- The above process is similar though not identical in and around Health and Safety with some organs of the state adopting (at times) a collaborative approach on the issue of jurisdiction. However, the key regulator for Health and Safety is that of the Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”).